Don’t miss your chance to advertise in the area’s only Senior Resource Directory!
This popular guide is the area’s most comprehensive directory of services available to the over 65,000 senior adults who live in our 7-county region. Professionals and consumers throughout the Wiregrass use this directory to locate contacts and information on health care and related services, housing, assistance sources, programs for seniors, culture and recreation.
The Senior Resource Directory is distributed throughout the community at senior centers, health care organizations, service agencies, businesses, county offices, and to all individuals who request information from our Wiregrass Senior Resource Center or attend events hosted by SARCOA, the Wiregrass area’s Area Agency on Aging.
15,000 copies of the 2024-25 edition will be distributed throughout our 7-county region. The directory is also available digitally to the thousands of visitors to our website at Click here to view the current directory.
Published biennially, this full-color, 100+ page directory has a two-year shelf life, so your company is guaranteed long-term visibility whenever a senior reaches for his well-worn copy to find a service, phone number or contact name.
If you would like to have your business or organization’s name and message in the hands of tens of thousands of seniors and their families by purchasing an ad in the 2024-2025 Senior Resource Directory, please download the advertisement order form by clicking the button below, complete and return by November 15, 2023. If you would like additional information, please feel free to call SARCOA at (334) 793-6843.
Act now to reserve your ad space in the area’s only Senior Resource Directory! Click the button below to download an order form.

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