Events for February 11 - November 29, 2023

Protect Yourself From Scams

Scams related to the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, are rapidly increasing as the public health emergency develops.

Governor Urges Census Participation

Governor Ivey asked all Alabamians to reach a 90% participation rate. If you haven't filed your 2020 Census information, please do so soon.

Absentee Voting Process

Voting is the most fundamental act of our democracy. If you are considering considering voting with an absentee ballot, click to watch this helpful video.

Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare open enrollment begins October 15. Enrollment events will be held via phone this year. These events are intended to help persons enroll in a Medicare plan for 2022.

Farmers Market Vouchers Available

Sign-ups are now open through May 1, 2021, for Senior Farmers Market Vouchers. SARCOA is doing sign-ups via phone.

Older Americans Month

Our Older American’s Day  celebration looks a little different this year due to COVID-19 precautions.

COVID-19 Vaccine Assistance

SARCOA has been given an opportunity to assist seniors and their caregivers overcome barriers to receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.

Santa For Seniors 2021

AL, United States

Santa for Seniors is a grassroots volunteer project to bring Christmas joy to Wiregrass seniors who are in need of basic items for everyday living.

Suicide Prevention Town Hall

Dothan will serve as the first stop on a statewide tour of town halls for the Alabama’s Challenge for Preventing Suicide Among Service Members, Veterans, and their Families.

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